Green works!
But just how green is your working world in reality?

Is my company ecological enough? Or are we still at the early stages when it comes to sustainability at the workplace? In future, the Green Workplace Index will provide an accurate assessment. This is the first index to focus entirely on the topic of an active ecological corporate culture. 

Ecological, practical, good. Or just adequate?
We are all aware of the importance of ecological sustainability in our daily working lives. At the same time, however, many employees have difficulty assessing just how green they and their company are. Are there any sustainable ideas? And are the measures then implemented? Do you think that a lot more could be done in your company? Does your manager actively support you?

Sustainably relevant: The Green Workplace Index
You can help us to develop a Green Workplace Index for individual industries and fields of activity. This will provide a clear benchmark which can be referenced by companies, employees and job seekers. Let us work together to drive an ecological corporate culture. It is time for us to go that extra mile so that the world can continue to grow. 

What do we want to achieve with the survey?

With the Green Workplace Index, we show where companies stand from the perspective of the employees and how they can develop further. We want to create an environment for companies whereby

     employees can have greater involvement

     new ideas have a platform

     each employee contributes to making the company greener

     a culture change and a rethink take place

     a movement is initiated

     it pays to lead by example

This is only possible with your support, to ensure that reliable data is available in the future. Why not get involved in this important survey so that the Green Workplace Index can help to make companies greener.

Why is the Green Workplace Index important?
For a green transformation.


The index indicates just how green jobs and companies really are


With the index, companies can see what they need to do to become even more sustainable


The index contributes to driving the green transformation

How do we work? And what do we want to ask you?

    Valid: We make use of scientific findings.

    Relevant: We measure how green corporate culture is practised.

    Understandable: The survey has been designed to be clear and easy to understand.


    Supportive framework conditions for green action

    Support for green action through leadership

    Perceived attractiveness of the employer

How do we proceed?

Data collection

By end-November 2022


Calculation of benchmarks and scientific analysis by the mid of December 2022


Available on this page in mid-January 2023


 Annual evaluation of the survey


We start the first Index for the German-speaking community. An English version will follow soon: 

The people behind the Green Workplace Index:

HR4GREEN – that’s Jan Zöller, Alexandra Hiekel, Dr. Ralf Schimetzek and Stefan Dirk. We are an experienced group of personnel consultants, entrepreneurs, and organisation & executive development professionals. Our goal is to make every single employee of a company a “game changer” for greater ecological sustainability!

Our scientific advisor:

In this survey, HR4GREEN is collaborating with Professor Dr. Thorsten Semrau. Dr. Semrau is Professor of Management at Trier University and he is an expert on corporate development and personnel management. Dr. Semrau evaluates your data, advises us on the design of our questionnaires, and ensures the scientific validity of our statements.

By the way: We can determine the Green Workplace Index for your company too

Do you believe that the Green Workplace Index can effect real change, and would you like to know where your company stands? That’s good – as we offer a company-based evaluation of our survey, too.